domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016


A HUNGER ARTIST by Franz Kafka

If you want to read the story "A Hunger Artist" by Franz Kafka click here

sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2016


Eveline sat at the window for her to
View the evening invade the avenue
Every evening they used to play in a field that was in there... then
Little brown houses were built by a man from belfast
In that field all the kids used to play together
Now, she was going to go away like the others
Escape was an option, run away. What they will say about she? she saw how the others leave and died. Now, it was her turn.

if you want to read Eveline by James Joyce, you can find it by clicking here

sábado, 13 de agosto de 2016

The Story of An Hour

1 two/to/too

-(number) you already used a wish, now you have two
-(preposition) I need to go to the church
-(adverb) there are too many cats in my mind

2 waist/waste

-(noun) literally a wasp waist in a girl is not sexy... it is gross :v
-(noun) coprofagia is when people eat their wastes or someone else wastes... yomi!

3 trouble/travel

-(noun) he had troubles trying to pee while he was dancing break-dance
-(verb) he is traveling around the universe trying to find his life expectancies

4 brake/break

-(noun) when i hit the brake of my bicycle is because i want to stop
-(verb) i break a leg trying to find life meaning

5 this/these

-(adjective/pronoun) i like this kind of cucumbers because they are thick
-(adjective/pronoun) i like these kind of carrots because they are juicy

6 thing/think

-(noun) the thing that fell-off of my hand was a finger, nothing to worry about :D
-(verb) i think that instead of committing suicide you should take out the garbage and adopt a cat

7 knew/new

-(verb) i knew the answer of the pregnancy test! i will have a potatoe! :D
-(adjective) do you saw the new new? it is new!

8 know/now

-(verb) i knew i know! do you know that?, i know it!
-(adverb) because of you! now i have to clean the disaster the dead body left and hide it!

9 by/bye

-(preposition) he was murdered by himself
-(interjection) have a great night and i wish you a very poor and insignificant life expectancy, good bye

10 had/hat

-(verb) he had a life until he met she
-(noun) cowboy's hats are awesome and sexy

You can read "The Story of An Hour" written by Kate Chopin in this link:

The McWilliams’s and the Burglar Alarm

You can read "The McWilliams’s and the Burglar Alarm" written by Mark Twain in this link:

i made this poem, i didn't take it serious because i don't like to take things seriously.

A Night Of Cheese Under The Lemon Moon

In my pants there is a riot
a wanto manifastation
a swarm of thoughts
an appalling future.

Your sole face is the protagonist
you... burglar of hearths
feeble crystal sharp shaped
i would flung cheese
while waiving of my under wear
an evanescent came from future
seemingly is a slap in my face.

A true story, repeated word for word as I heard it

"She was a cheerful, hearty soul, and it was no more trouble for her to laugh than it is for a bird to sing. She was under fire, now, as usual when the day was done. That is to say, she was being chaffed without mercy, and was enjoying it."

here the video:

you can read "A true story, repeated word for word as I heard it" written by Mark Twain in next link:

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2016

The Hanging Stranger

The tale shows us that the principal character is called Loyce, and all people is under mindcontrol except him, in Colombia happens something similar about the mindcontrol, with mass media, for example since peñalosa enter in the government of Bogotá as the mayor, Canal Capital was censored, Canal Capital was the only leftside (politically talking) news channel in Bogotá, RCN and Caracol are private news channels, the owners are good friends of peñalosa, and it would be bad to say the true about him, also they are against Petro so they talk bad about him for people to prefer other candidates "RCN y CARACOL deben transmitir lo que le conviene a sus dueños" Agustin Moreno .

citizens are getting distracted for social and political issues, and prefer to know more

about farandula, novels and soccer. Also this news channels talk about stupid things and

deform some situations for gaining viewers. Something funny is that during the goverment 

of Petro, people that were protesting were called "citizens" know, people that are protesting

during peñalosas government are vandals and people believe in that. they are a good show.

Some funny tittles:

"Tortuga abre puerta"

"A un hombre de 70 años le debian operar el pie, pero le operaron la mano"

"Inicia la paja por alcaldía de cartagena"

some others:click here.

if you want to know more about Canal Capital being censored click here.
if you want to know more about RCN and Caracol click here.

sábado, 27 de febrero de 2016

The Child's Story

The tale give us the message of enjoying all the moments life gives, regardless if it is awesome or the common shit, because life is that, that’s why it is perfect, you have something or someone and as you can lose it, you can make it last long, as it can be your fault also can be your destiny, it was not the fault of the traveler that the kid, the boy, the young man and the middle-age man went away, and it wasn't the traveler’s fault, it was the destiny, which makes life interesting. Try to understand how it function, how you can face it, how you can improve it. But always it is going to be cruel, because since we born we are dying, there is not such a sad thing as losing moments because live is made of moments, and they have an end, there is no way to revive them, you just lose it, and you just can remember them as the old man. Unfortunately, the human had the ability of thinking and questioning like the old man, and that thing fuck us all, animals just survive because that’s in their minds, human not, humans survive for finding out why to survive. :v

I think the tittle “The Child's Story” has the relation with the traveler, I think the traveler was a kid first, and then a boy, then a young men, etc. All the traveler’s life was related by showing him the stages that he “lost”. The tale is good, I like that it makes you reflect, it is short and easy to understand, a nice text.

(i´m not depre, is just a point of view :D)

sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016

The Fish

"First men's voices are heard, then a woman's" 

well, this easily can be a machist quote, many religions put women below the men, religions are a big influence in peoples life and peoples habits, taking into account what most religions says, women can not dress pants, women can not decide, can not have a voice that worth, can not work or go for a walk, they became ignored, and also silenced, but in the other middle of the world or well politically in most of the countries the topic of equality is bizarre, boys are castrated with out permission since babys, prison sentences are shorter for women, also the work time, discrimination, the famoes experiment of a woman hitting a man and all people laughs, then the man hits the woman and all people start insulting him and punching him also kicking him, but socially in the religious places they recieve a very bad treat, like in christian churchs, or in the medium orient countries. this topic needs a great global debate.

And some neurons... modern feminism sucks...

sábado, 13 de febrero de 2016

A Defenseless Creature

A Defenseless Creature is a story written by Anton Chekhov, In this story a woman (Madame Shtchukin) arrives to a bank asking for money, The man that is attending the bank (Kistunov) is sick. as the writer born in Russia and die in Germany taking in to account the names maybe the story takes place there, in Russia or Germany, it was in the morning, but is not too old. The main characters are Kistunov, the person who is attending the bank, and Madame Shtchukin, an old married woman. Madame Shtchukin arrives to the bank, where she starts a problem with the man attending, something important situations to mention is when Kistunov gives the money to her, also when Kistunov changes place with Pyotr. The problem starts at the moment Madame Shtchukin enters into the bank, also that Kistunov is sick, he was exhausted, Mrs. Shtchukin was asking and insisting to much to him to give her some money, but the condition of Kistunov is not the best one (he is sick). The solution in the story occurs when Kistunov gives to her money because he is already tired and stressed, after she ask for money to her husband she go away.

I think this story can belong to the 1 type us it can belong to the 2 type of literature because it haves a great level of detail and easily it can be a company report (type1) and it also could be involved in a journal or a newspaper also in a book, or at least the style (type 2). More type 2 than 1.

A defenseless creature by Anton Chekhov
Story elements
3 Types of literature